Welcome to the Mariposa, California Branch of AAUW!

Lunch with Leaders

AAUW Mariposa will be hosting the inaugural Lunch with Leaders! event on March 29th. We will introduce high school girls to successful women in our own community who can share advice on what it takes to be a leader. 

The participants will munch on lunch in small discussion groups with each of our four guest mentors, where they’ll talk over the journey to leadership. What makes a good leader? How can you prepare to be a leader? What’s good about being the leader? What isn’t? 

We are fortunate that these successful women have volunteered to share their stories and advice:

Hon. Anita Starchman Bryant, Superior Court Judge, Mariposa County
Hon. Anita Starchman Bryant, Superior Court Judge, Mariposa County Rosemarie Smallcombe, District 1 Supervisor, Mariposa County Kristina Keheley PhD, Director of Health and Human Services, Mariposa County Lydia Lower, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Mariposa County Unified School District

The event will be promoted at the high school with flyers and announcements. Click HERE to view and download the flyer with the event details.  Students who want to attend can sign up HERE by March 15th. Space is limited.

Branch members can support the event by donating funds or homemade cookies or just by telling a high school girl about it! Details are in emails and the branch newsletter.

This promises to be a terrific afternoon when girls could discover that they have the right stuff to  become a leader in whatever they choose. 

For information, contact Trish Darcy at tbdarcy1@gmail.com

Celebrating Women’s History Month in Mariposa!

We’ve come a long way, baby! Members of Mariposa AAUW and the local community will gather for Women’s HerStories: A Celebration of Progress at a fun, inspiring event on Saturday, March 15th, from 3-5 pm at The Grove House. We’ll recognize women’s progress toward equality with a short film, live music with a feminist vibe, books and tales of pioneering women, and resources that chronicle the history of the women’s movement. 

You can try to win a prize in a competition about trailblazing women. And if you’ve ever gotten a headache from banging on the glass ceiling, bring your personal  “HerStory” to share during open mic! We’ll see what has changed . . . and what hasn’t. 

Women’s HerStories: A Celebration of Progress is co-hosted by AAUW Mariposa, the Mariposa County Library, and The Grove House. If you’re not already a member of AAUW Mariposa, come and meet the great people who host events like these, and join!

More about AAUW Mariposa