Join Now

Why should I join AAUW?

  • Meet cool, like-minded people
  • Learn exciting things
  • Keep your mind active; practice your skills
  • Help women and girls
  • Make a difference in your community
  • Make your voice heard on important legislation

Should I join even if I can’t attend meetings?

We respect that people have busy lives. Your membership still supports our mission. As you learn more about us and our flexible schedule of programs, you are likely to find a role that suits YOU.

AAUW’s Value Promise

By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.

Membership Application

Join online by clicking HERE.


Download and complete an application form by clicking HERE.

Then send the completed form and your dues/donations check to:

Membership: Bonnie Little

4463 Kimberly Dr, Mariposa, CA 95338 (209)966-2606